Design for Non-Designers

10:00 AM - 10:55 AM on July 16, 2016, Room CR6

Tracy Osborn

Audience level:


Designing, when you are a programmer, can be super intimidating. This talk will highlight the best ways to improve your design and UX skills so you can create an interfaces that are usable and at least semi-attractive without hiring a designer — guaranteed no designer-y jargon.


Not everyone can hire a professional designer for their websites and web apps, but we all still want our interfaces to be easy to use and attractive. However, if you want to learn a bit of design, design books jump straight into concepts like "the golden ratio" and teach proper typographic terms which, to be frank, aren't needed if you're just looking to improve your website's look and feel.

This talk will cover the top quick ways to improve your website, covering both user experience as well as visual design. Quick hits, easy to understand and utilize principles that anyone can use to improve their design skills. Perhaps you too can become the next designer+developer unicorn!